- This website will help you communicate with your teen about the most important driving safety topics for young drivers.
- Throughout your participation in the study, you and your teen will each receive a bi-weekly report card:
- Your report card will include information about your teen’s driving, including the number of risky driving events over the past two weeks.
- It will also provide you with some specific driving safety topics and tips to talk to your teen about.
- When you get the report card, you should talk about it with your teen, using it as a learning experience.
- If they didn’t have any risky driving alerts, praise them for doing a good job! Talk to them about their driving. Here are some conversation starters:
Tell me about your driving experience these past two weeks.
- What did you do well? What would you like to do differently next week?
- I noticed that you had XX events this week. Can you tell me about those?